Meaghan, you sure know how to dig up & present the finest detail in a sex act sometimes & sharpen one’s sex appetite!
That’s why I follow you with tender, loving care but relentlessly !☺
In all my many and varied sex encounters through many years I have NEVER pulled out before any of my orgasms. ( Lady Fortune guides over me as I don’t use protection either. I hate condoms! Yet there has been no surprise conceptions or pregnancies on my merry path of fucking!☺)
What’s the point?
The rhythm & smooth riding together with your partner to the ultimate climax, the concentrated prelude +build-up & fore- play to reach this conclusive peak is part of the whole act that culminates in this extremity of pleasure. I relish when my cum spurts inside her, heightening that few seconds of absolute bliss…and I’ve had numerous feedback from satisfied lovers viz “ feeling a man’s cum shoot in me is similar to receiving the best compliment in my life”
That cum inside is sharing a physical product of yourself with somebody that you want to share it with! Show your appreciation and privilege to have done so with HER.
Imagine an athlete winning the 100 m sprint and there’s no tape to burst through at the end to confirm he’s won.