Complimenting is the order of the day after sex. But it must be sincere and not in abundance…and accompany it with feather touches on the chest, face, arms…even sex body parts: But not as an introduction to foreplay for the next round ! (he-he)
Remember that the immediate post-coital period has a character of it’s own that differs from couple to couple. Not only is the physical body relaxed from any tensions but the mind and senses are also in a serene, satisfied space. It’s a very intimate moment and about the closest one can get to experience the soothing lotion sex can bring to your inner self and all the raw hurt it might contain. The same applies to your partner and you’re gloating in it together !
That’s why it’s often referred to as “holy” or “blissful” moments. You both want to keep that moment in a bubble to entrench it from the outer world.
It belongs only to the two of you !